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品牌: 亿鑫
59T: 150目
线经: 64线
宽幅: 127cm
单价: 5.00元/米
起订: 10 米
供货总量: 100000 米
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 1 天内发货
所在地: 安徽 亳州市 利辛县
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-04-19
浏览次数: 797
安徽省亳州市利辛县亿鑫筛网有限公司生产销售:(10T25目250线)(12T30目250线)(16T40目200线180W)(60目24T140线120W)(27T70目120线)(DPP80目 32T-100W120线)(DPP90目36T-90W100W)(DPP100目 40T-80W)(DPP110目43T-80W)DPP120目48T-70W)(DPP130目51T-71W)(DPP140目55T-64W)(DPP150目59T-64线)(DPP155目 62T-64W)(DPP160目64T-64W)(DPP180目72T-55W)(DPP180目72T-48W)(DPP195目77T-55W)(DPP200目80T-55W)(DPP200目80T-48W)(DPP230目90T-48W45W)(DPP250目100T-40W39W)(DPP280目110T-39W)(DPP305目120T-35W)(DPP305目120T-40W)(DPP305目120T-34W)(DPP300目120T-31Y)(DPP350目140T-34W)(DPP350目355目140T-31Y)(DPP380目150T-31W)(DPP380目150T-31Y)(DPP420目165T-31W)(DPP420目165T-27Y)W代表白色(white),Y代表黄色(yellow)。公司生产的产品:网面平整、目孔准确、伸长率低、丝印性能好,主要适用于电子行业、丝绸化纤、陶瓷印花、印制电路板、印花制版、标牌广告、花纸、过滤、箱包、环保等行业。,专业生产丝网印刷网纱厂家,涤纶网纱又名丝印网纱,印刷用网,印刷丝网。采用国外的技术在大陆生产的一种网纱,常用宽度有:127CM/145CM/165CM/220cm 。 网纱厚度一致,优质防静电功效,高张力和耐磨性。主要用途:各种类型的印刷,包括不同格式和面积的图像、镭射光碟、装饰瓷砖、玻璃表面、体育用品、纺织及工业印刷品等适用于一般走台丝印厂、制衣印花厂、手袋丝印、有机玻璃、塑胶面板等丝印。 涤纶丝网也是由化学合成纤维制作而成的,属于聚酯系。涤纶丝网具有耐溶剂性、耐高温、耐水性、耐化学*性的优点,涤纶丝网在受外界压力较大时,其物理性能稳定,拉伸性小。还适于印刷尺寸精度要求高。Polyester mesh, also known as silk screen, printing web, printing silk screen. The use of foreign technology in the mainland production of a kind of net yarn, common width has: 127CM / 145CM / 165CM / 220cm. The mesh thickness is consistent, high quality anti-static effect, high tension and wear resistance.Main application: various types of printing, including different formats and the image of the area, laser discs, decorative ceramic tile, glass surface, sporting goods, textiles and industrial printing is suitable for the general table printing factory, garment printing plant, handbags such as silk screen printing, organic glass, plastic panel. Polyester yarns are also made of chemical synthetic fibers, which belong to the polyester system. Polyester yarn nets with solvent resistance, high temperature resistance, water resistance, chemical resistance, the advantages of polyester yarn net under outside pressure is bigger, its physical properties of stability, stretchability is small. It is also suitable for printing dimensional precision


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